The Rise of the Divorce Coach

Life coaching, mediation, counselling and Relate have been around for many years but the rise of the divorce coach is a fairly recent addition to our ever expanding list of ‘go to’ people. Anyone who has used a coach during their divorce cannot recommend having one highly enough. A divorce coach can be that neutral third party we all need at times of distress and emotional turmoil.
The divorce process should not be underestimated, and often people can be quite unrealistic as to what is involved. It is a rollercoaster of emotions, legal jargon, form filling and above all extremely time consuming. Getting divorce is not a quick process and invariably people believe they deserve more than they are actually entitled to. It is a potential minefield and thinking and acting level headed is not always as simple as it seems.
During and after the divorce the Divorce Coach is there to support their client, both male or female through the process by helping them to focus and create a practical and realistic action plan.
The role of the divorce coach may include some or all of the following :
- Someone to be unbiased and objective – friends and family are important but they can only be available part of the time and probably can’t give all you need in terms of legal, emotional or practical advice
- Understanding the legal process and documents required
- Help to get organised and keep good records
- Help to establish effective communications with their ex-partner
- Being child focussed and helping to arrange a co-parenting plan by ensuring a healthy and secure environment for the children
- Help increase self-confidence and move past the pain of divorce
- A professional who is available when you need answers quickly
- They offer resources for guidance and emotional decisions
- Help to separate the emotions from the legal issues
- Help to set goals for financial security and stability
- A Coach is much more cost effective than using your solicitor as a sounding board
- Divorce is overwhelming, trying to cope with one’s personal emotions, the legal side, family dynamics and even attending court is something one shouldn’t do alone. Be prepared and have a support network to help you be prepared, get through the process and come out the other side and move on with your life
- Help your transition from married life to being single again and moving on with their life setting future realistic goals
- Dating again
- The new extended family
The Divorce coach manages practical matters as well as developing clear strategies. They encourage and assist clients to have a divorce that is as low in conflict as possible, it is about finding a common ground and working towards an end goal avoiding the emotional and financial costs of a court battle.